Monday, October 23, 2006

Responding to Rebecca Mead

Regarding Rebecca Mead's article, "You've Got Blog," the editors of The Conscious Reader suggest:
Respond to Mead's comment that blogs create "a world in which the personal lives of participants have become part of the public domain." What is the value, if any, of putting personal information online for strangers to read? Would you be comfortable with compromising your own privacy by writing an intimate blog? (Shrodes 317)


Anonymous said...

Blogging is an easy way to communicate with people that arent judgemental becuase they will give you an honest opinion. It's an easy way to share your feelings, thoughts or ideas. We as a group feel that we would not want our personal lives in a public domain.
Anna, Michelle, Katie

Anonymous said...

I believe that there is no value in providing strangers with your personal information. People post their hometowns and sometimes even their cell phone numbers in hopes of staying safe. I wouldn't write something intimate about my life because what I do anytime is noones business, unless I knew who they were and I felt like sharing that kind of information, but giving it out to people who would turn out to be 20 years older than me, I wouldn't want to end up on CNN the next morning.

Anonymous said...

The value of putting your views in a blog is that you can express your ideas fully, while still keeping some sort of privacy. Posting things either under an alias or anonymously relieve a lot of pressure usually associated with discussion. Also, when blogging you have the time to be very precise with your words and express your view as you wanted it to be seen.

Anonymous said...

The value of blogging is that you can get an impartial point of view-the advice you obtain would not be predjudiced or swayed a certain way because the parties responding wouldn't know you or other parties involved in the situation.

With regards to Alyssa and myself, we both agree that it would depend on the situation as to whether we would discuss it out on a blog. We both feel that we would feel more comfortable in a serious situation to confide and discuss with a close friend, sister ect. or like Alyssa, she has her "myspace" profile, but it is set to private so only her friends that she has given access to can view her profile. That way it remains somewhat private, but she can still have access with those that she provided access to, with the tool. AB & DB

Anonymous said...

We feel that sometimes people feel a freedom by having an anonymous place to write their thoughts and feelings without the feel the fear of being ostracized. We don't feel it is necessary to create a personal intimate blog of our lives. Sharing our feelings on that personal of a level doesn't seem necessary.

Jah, Bdj

Anonymous said...

Communicating our inner thoughts to the public domain can have therapeutic affects by receiving feedback from individuals who have similar experiences.
If you are searching for solutions to a particular problem you may find someone who can offer a solution.
A way of keeping a journal of your thoughts and experiences. JB, SP

Anonymous said...

it is my firm opinion thet what is personal should stay personal. any disclosure of your "very personal" information or feelings, should remain within the group of people with whom you at least know. you should have the mental status that you know that you can control your own life. however, this method of communication can and will be useful to many individuals for a variety of useful and innovative ways. bernie

Anonymous said...

It seems that people are using blogs more so for personal reasons, to share their thoughts and feelings along with links to websites that have some meaning for them, rather than for the mere purpose of exchanging business related ideas and links to busines s-type websites. Blogging has become a way for people to get their message out there in order to obtain information about a subject that they have a vested interest in, such as a catastrophic illness-they may obtain more and better information that they would by other more conventional means. All of us agree that we would not be comfortable in sharing our personal information in the form of a blog-we would compromise our safety and security, and leave us feeling vulnerable.LMH, MR, CD